
Showing posts from May, 2023
SETAN CINTA   Siang itu serombongan siswa kelas 9 bergerombol. Suara mereka riuh rendah. Ada yang berteriak-teriak. Ada yang kebingungan, sebaliknya ada pula yang tertawa-tawa. Salah seorang berlari ke kantor sekolah. “Ada yang kerasukan di kelas 9A” kata salah seorang siswa kelas 9A. “Bawa ke sini, tolong bersama teman-teman papah atau gotong bersama” kata pak Tino kepada mereka. “Tidak bisa pak, Nadia merontak dan melawan, kami takut dia mencakar kami” kata mereka lagi. “Baik, bapak akan ke sana” pak Tino segera menuju ruang kelas 9 bersama siswa. Di ruang kelas terdengar suara riuh. Melihat pak Tino dating, anak-anak memberi jalan lewat. “Nadia, kenapa kamu” tatap pak Tino tajam ke arah Nadia. “Siapa kamu, pergi sana” kata Nadia balas membentak. Wajah pak Tino memerah. Ia menahan marah dibentak siswinya. Hanya saja ia dapat meneahan diri karena sudah sering menghadapi siswa yang mengalami kerasukan seperti ini. Nadia semakin menjadi-jadi, ia menendang dan memaki-ma

The Benefits of Reading for Children

  The Benefits of Reading for Children: How Books Can Improve Their Reading Skills Reading is an essential skill that children need to develop in order to succeed in school and beyond. Not only does reading help improve vocabulary and comprehension, but it can also improve critical thinking skills and creativity. Here are just a few ways that books can benefit children and improve their reading skills: 1. Books can improve vocabulary and comprehension Reading books can help children improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills. As they encounter new words and concepts in books, they are able to expand their understanding of language and the world around them. 2. Books can improve critical thinking skills Reading books can also help children develop critical thinking skills. As they read, they are able to analyze and interpret the information presented in the text, which can help improve their problem-solving abilities. 3. Books can improve creativity Reading books can also help ch

The Power of Books

  The Power of Books: How They Can Change Your Life Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, teach us new things, and inspire us to be better versions of ourselves. Whether you’re an avid reader or someone who hasn’t picked up a book in years, there’s no denying the impact that books can have on our lives. Here are just a few ways that books can change your life: 1. Books can expand your knowledge and understanding Reading books on a variety of topics can broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world around you. Whether you’re interested in history, science, or philosophy, there’s a book out there that can help you learn more about the subject. 2. Books can improve your empathy and emotional intelligence Reading books that feature diverse characters and perspectives can help you develop empathy and emotional intelligence. When we read about people who are different from us, we’re forced to see the world through their eyes and understand their experie